Everybody Ain't Meant To Go On YOUR Trip

So this piece derived from a recent conversation with a friend. The only explanation I could give was a spiritual one.

She is stuck in neutral over not knowing how to let go. Letting go is never easy especially when it gives the appearance of belonging. I struggle with it sometimes myself I know I'm not the only one who battles with letting go! Now, some people are pack rats, hoarders or collectors of things that have no value to them or way past there need or use for them. That's not me at all. Even beer now have "best if drink before dates" on them. This time limit thing is getting out of hand but people definitely come with expiration dates as well.

What is it that makes us hold on to "things" that serve us no purpose or add value to our lives? Comfortability? The fear or unknown of what replaces what we are holding on to? I do believe that in life sometimes you have to have to subtract to add. I am a firm believer that God will dismantle your entire life if it is to induce your growth. In order to have progression there must first be a disruption. If you are in an uncomfortable position its probably because you have outgrown where you are or in this case outgrown a person. People completely have the ability to outgrow people!

Life is a road trip and on any road trip you are going to make stops along the way to your destination.

More than just about anything else on our road trip the most stops are made to your personal bank. The more people who make a deposit into you or your life directly affects your growth mentally, physically, and spiritually on the trip. Please believe there are some that come along that have no intentions in making deposits into your life. They are only present for however the ride satisfies their life and to make as many withdrawals from you as you allow, until there is nothing left to withdraw or they can find another bank they can withdraw from. We question and wonder why or how they get in our car in the first place. Some of they cheap asses ain't even have anything to put in on the gas. We try to convince ourselves or justify their place in our car instead of understanding why they were there in the first place and not realizing they are at their final destination ALREADY! 

Their journey stopped at the last gas up at Royal Farms and we may have been a little confused(because we was getting snacks and chicken) as to why they didn't or we even felt like we wanted them to get back in the car. They have reached their destination and more than likely their capacity for your life.

Let me explain "Capacity".... No matter what you have in life and no matter what you give in life all relationships should always be able to meet the "Capacity" of each other. If you ever heard the term "equally yoked" this is similar and should apply to all relationships. There is give and take but they both are for the promotion of growth or in this case our road trip. Imagine if we were two 16oz bottles of water and I'm almost full to the top and you are half full. I don't care that you have less than I do because I know if I pour into you we have the capacity to hold the same amount or our max capacity the same. If they can't meet your capacity that usually means their capacity is full and they haven't/can't meet yours and they have come to their stop on the road trip.

Life will ONLY give you two or three real relationships/friends that will make it to your final destination.

In life, relationships are gonna be your greatest resource. Everything that comes to you in life will come to you THROUGH a person and God uses them to bless you or teach you. It may not be someone you like. It may not even be someone who you thought or wanted on this trip with you and they got out!

EVERYBODY... comes in your life for 1 of 3 reasons. Bishop T.D. Jake's calls this the 3 C's, Comrades, Constituents, & Confidants. Some of this you may have heard before but HEREWEGO!

#1 "A Reason"... God has given this person a "purpose" in your life. No matter the reason this is part of your growth and you will learn something good, bad or indifferent. Pay attention and understand the lesson learned and know that they(the lessons) only and always evolve into good. They may road trip with you but once their purpose for you is served they usually have a stop with their name on it along the route.

#2 "A Season"...These folks are TEMPORARY. They are a segue to your next phase or destination in your life. These seasonal folk are just like the leaves on the tree they with you for a designated period and then THEY GONE. They usually just along for the ride because they think they get to their destination through the routes you travel. When they reach their "miles limit" on your life GOD removes them but the key is when HE removes them stop trying to hold on to them or try to make your own REASON(#1) to try to keep them. When HE turns YOUR season, LET THEY ASSES GO! Hell, some of y'all holding on to folks HE done tried to remove several times and they not even yours to hold on to. Some of you road tripping in a SUV with the 3rd row seat trying to take everybody with you. You may need to pull over and tell them THIS IS YOUR STOP please exit the vehicle on the left! They thought you was Uber they just riding around like a back seat driver always giving wrong directions. When you hear them say "Go this way" you should say NO, GET OUT!

#3 "A Lifetime" Self explanatory. HE gave you them for the long haul. They with you through the good and bad not because you dragged them through it but because they they had "purpose" in being there. These may be some people HE gave to you for a Reason(#1) but its ABSOLUTELY NEVER a person he gave to you for a Season(#2). Their road trip involves you just as much as yours involved them. When you finally reach the destination they usually at shotgun position turning the radio down for you so you can see where you parking. Yes, you read that right. Don't act like I'm the only one who turn down the volume of the radio so I can see!

Stop giving seasonal people lifetime expectations. That's giving them bags they weren't designed to carry or help you carry. They ain't gonna make it to the end. They not supposed to. They don't even need to know or get a glimpse of where your destination is.

The road trip is not about where we trying to go that's the problem. It's about what are you willing to leave behind to get to your destination? I heard someone say once. "I can take you with me, but I can't take you with me" You can ride but I'm positive you have a stop that's not the final destination. Your journey should never be based on how far you've come or where you made it to. It should be based off, how you are once you get to your destination from where you started.

STOP worrying about the people who temporarily were on your road trip and worry and thank HIM for the ones HE SENT WITH YOU! Remember it's your destination. What HE has for you is for you, but to be clear it is HIS route and YOUR journey. HE will weed out the passengers that are just for along the way and the ones that are for stay. Just know when they get out that it means... Everybody ain't meant to go on YOUR trip!!



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