Advice: Keep It Moving And Dont Get Bit!
It's been a minute and the seasons are definitely changing. The seasons changing are actually a sign of the phase or chapter of your life that you are in is closing to open for the next chapter. No matter how your season started the purpose of the change of the season is GROWTH. No matter the direction as long as its forward it will enable growth. I have had a few conversations recently with some really good friends. I just wanted to touch on a couple points with y'all because they are both relatable. These are the cliff notes or the summary for the conversations. Lol One thing I learned last season is that sometimes we remain in the season a little too long. I seen the exit sign a mile back but didnt take the exit. I got comfortable with the road I was on so much that I di8dnt realize that I was riding in a circle. You ever been at that point where you look around and everything looks familiar but looks foreign at the same time? Your first thought is... How did I get here? ...