Everybody Ain't Meant To Go On YOUR Trip
So this piece derived from a recent conversation with a friend. The only explanation I could give was a spiritual one. She is stuck in neutral over not knowing how to let go. Letting go is never easy especially when it gives the appearance of belonging. I struggle with it sometimes myself I know I'm not the only one who battles with letting go! Now, some people are pack rats, hoarders or collectors of things that have no value to them or way past there need or use for them. That's not me at all. Even beer now have "best if drink before dates" on them. This time limit thing is getting out of hand but people definitely come with expiration dates as well. What is it that makes us hold on to "things" that serve us no purpose or add value to our lives? Comfortability? The fear or unknown of what replaces what we are holding on to? I do believe that in life sometimes you have to have to subtract to add. I am a firm believer that God will dismantle your enti...