
Advice: Keep It Moving And Dont Get Bit!

It's been a minute and the seasons are definitely changing. The seasons changing are actually a sign of the phase or chapter of your life that you are in is closing to open for the next chapter. No matter how your season started the purpose of the change of the season is GROWTH. No matter the direction as long as its forward it will enable growth. I have had a few conversations recently with some really good friends. I just wanted to touch on a couple points with y'all because they are both relatable. These are the cliff notes or the summary for the conversations. Lol One thing I learned last season is that sometimes we remain in the season a little too long. I seen the exit sign a mile back but didnt take the exit. I got comfortable with the road I was on so much that I di8dnt realize that I was riding in a circle. You ever been at that point where you look around and everything looks familiar but looks foreign at the same time? Your first thought is... How did I get here? ...

Dented Can Of Green Beans

First off let me start by saying I am no way shape or form a professional therapist.   In my 40+ years I’ve been through enough to make me a professional in my own experiences.   I always maintain that I am a product of everything I have ever been through, friendships, relationships, the good the bad decisions, the learning experiences.   Most of my writing isn’t specific to a person. They are usually conversations had between me and friends or people I allow to pick my brain. The transparency or relatability is what allows anyone to tailor certain parts to their life. This is not A ministry.   This is MY ministry. I do not and will never ask anyone to think or process information like me.   I just try to get you to step out of your own confines and look at whatever different than what you are used to. Sometimes you really can’t see different until you detach yourself from your usual train of thought or processing information. Like I always say, I don’t give...

Everybody Ain't Meant To Go On YOUR Trip

So this piece derived from a recent conversation with a friend. The only explanation I could give was a spiritual one. She is stuck in neutral over not knowing how to let go. Letting go is never easy especially when it gives the appearance of belonging. I struggle with it sometimes myself I know I'm not the only one who battles with letting go! Now, some people are pack rats, hoarders or collectors of things that have no value to them or way past there need or use for them. That's not me at all. Even beer now have "best if drink before dates" on them. This time limit thing is getting out of hand but people definitely come with expiration dates as well. What is it that makes us hold on to "things" that serve us no purpose or add value to our lives? Comfortability? The fear or unknown of what replaces what we are holding on to? I do believe that in life sometimes you have to have to subtract to add. I am a firm believer that God will dismantle your enti...

Wrong Side Of The Fence

It's been awhile since I shared... and my motivation for writing this is currently on the wrong side of the fence. I never had a issue with helping others dissect their relationships and even help find resolutions. I know that some look at me as resource for good, genuine, honest self assessment. It's no secret that if you want me to lie to you im NOT your guy. My issue was I always could write the perscription for someone else's ailment but I could never apply the medicine to my own life/relationships. The success or failure your relationships are absolutely one hundred percent completely dependent on the two parties involved. PERIOD!! That's it and nobody else. NOBODY!! Anything other than the two parties involved is an INTRUDER!! In marriage vows you pledge to your spouse "what God has formed, let no man put asunder". Before I start unpacking this, let me say this should be applied to every relationship with purpose. First the word "Asu...